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Program length is appropriate for each of the institution's educational programs. (Program length)

Compliance ____ Non-Compliance


Fayetteville Technical Community College (FTCC) is in compliance with this federal requirement. Basic parameters for the length and mastery of programs of study are established by the North Carolina Administrative Code and reflected in the statewide Curriculum Standards published by the North Carolina Community College System Office.


The North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC) in 23 NCAC 02E.0204 stipulates parameters for the length of all academic programs and establishes curriculum standards for the North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS) governed by the State Board of Community Colleges (pg. 61). NCAC also requires the establishment of a Combined Course Library (CCL), which standardizes course length and content for all community colleges.

FTCC follows the NCCCS guidelines, for curriculum standards, to determine required courses, course numbering, and credit hours. The NCCCS guidelines also specify the range of credit hours to be included in a degree program of study. The department chairs/faculty and deans recommend significant program changes to the College’s Curriculum Review Committee (pg. 44) to maintain faculty involvement in the requirements associated with programs offered by the College. Program changes are identified by the faculty through annual analysis of Performance Summary, employer survey, results of program reviews, or outcomes of the annual assessment plans. A listing of College programs of study (pg. 48) are included in the College Catalog.