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The institution publishes admissions policies that are consistent with its mission. (Admissions policies)

Compliance ____ Non-Compliance


Fayetteville Technical Community College (FTCC) is in compliance with this comprehensive standard. FTCC’s admissions policies are consistent with its mission statement, which focuses on vocational, technical, pre-baccalaureate, College and Career Readiness, literacy education, continuing education programs, and related services.

The College’s admissions policies are published in the Academic Procedures Manual, FTCC College Catalog, Student Handbook, and posted on the FTCC website. Admissions policies for select programs may vary, but all remain accessible to prospective students seeking placement within programs or courses. The admissions policies also address international, transfer, and special credit students. 


College admission policies must remain in compliance with the State Board of Community Colleges Code sections 1D SBCCC 200.95 and 1D SBCCC 400.2.

The Director of Admissions is responsible for ensuring all admissions policies are published within the Academic Procedures Manual (pg. 6), FTCC College Catalog (pg. 12), Student Handbook (pg. 21), and on the FTCC website. These policies outline the procedure to access FTCC coursework and/or credentials that lead to transfer to other colleges and universities and/or entry to the workforce as is outlined in FTCC's mission and purpose statements. Students entering programs requiring college-level math and English courses must take an entrance assessment unless official secondary and/or post-secondary transcripts provide waiver validation. Students unable to demonstrate a mastery of reading, mathematics, or English are still eligible for admission to a program but are required to take pre-curriculum courses.

Although FTCC has an open door admissions policy, certain programs require additional admissions criteria. For instance, Health Programs have limited enrollment and a competitive admissions process with application deadlines. Information regarding admission of transfer students, international students, as well as re-admission information can be found in the FTCC Catalog and website. Students may also take college courses as non-degree seeking or special credit students.

North Carolina allows eligible public and private high school and home-schooled students to enroll in college courses through the Career and College Promise program. Admission requirements for FTCC’s Career and College Promise Program, named High School Connections, are available on the College’s website. Students must have school principal and parental approval to be admitted via an FTCC Application and the High School Connections Enrollment Form.

The admissions policies in Corporate and Continuing Education are consistent with the mission and purpose statements of the College. FTCC offers non-credit courses to those who wish to obtain education for personal enrichment or career development.