Thomas R McLean Administration Building
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The institution has qualified administrative and academic officers with the experience and competence to lead the institution. (Qualified administrative/academic officers)

Compliance ____ Non-Compliance


Fayetteville Technical Community College (FTCC) is in compliance with this comprehensive standard. The College has qualified administrative and academic officers with the experience, competence, and capacity to lead the institution.


FTCC has qualified administrative and academic officers with effective leadership skills to support the institution's mission. The North Carolina General Statutes provide that the Board of Trustees shall elect the President who is responsible for the organizational structure of the College and employs each administrator.

The academic credentials of administrative and academic officers of the College are printed in the FTCC Catalog (pg. 321). Detailed credentials and experience (Username:reviewer Password:r3@fr1m) are available for each position. Requirements for each administrative and academic position at the College are maintained in the FTCC Organizational Handbook (pg. 645). Staff members in administrative roles have advanced degrees related to their position of employment not requiring the use of non-traditional credential verification.

Administrators and academic officers, with input from their supervisor, establish individual performance objectives. Supervisors and the employee review the performance dimensions listed on the Employee Performance Appraisal Form and indicate employability skills and performance attributes most critical to the function of the position. At the end of the annual appraisal period, administrators and academic officers are evaluated (pg. 3) based upon performance skills, targeted goals, and attributes.

Link Name File Location
North Carolina General Statutes /5YearDocs/GS_115_20.pdf
FTCC Catalog (pg. 321) /5YearDocs/FTCC_Catalog.pdf#page=321
credentials and experience
(Username:reviewer Password:r3@fr1m)
Organizational Handbook (pg. 645) /5YearDocs/FTCC_InstitutionalEffectiveness_HandbooksManuals_OrganizationalHandbook.pdf#page=645
establish individual performance objectives /5thYearDocs/2.10/EmployeePerformanceApprasial_Objectives.pdf
Employee Performance Appraisal Form /5YearDocs/EmployeePerformanceAppraisal_E_32.pdf
evaluated (pg. 3) /5thYearDocs/2.10/EmployeePerformanceApprasial_Completed.pdf#page=3
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